TROLLS (2016)
'In all honesty, I wanted to hate this movie, but he overall experience left me non-hate filled."Read More
'In all honesty, I wanted to hate this movie, but he overall experience left me non-hate filled."Read More
"Matt Damon numbly hits his marks and states his inane dialogue, unable to breathe anything into this void of tale."Read More
"So detailed, realistic, and perfectly rendered within the context of the film."Read More
"Luscious hues and a ponderous score haunt this wordless tale of life, love and nature."Read More
"...Gonzo sheet thrown over it and it is beaten with insanity sticks to some masochistic climax."Read More
"fun but meandering"Read More
"Effervescent, but not filling."Read More
"Few if any animated kids films fill the characters with such pathos and melancholy."Read More
"A tasty, but ultimately unfulfilling cake, that everyone at the party likes, but it lacks that superb frosting that would have people talking about it later – “you remember that amazing cake?”Read More
If a group of cops dreamily wandered into and quixotically tried to escape a Lovecraftian "Hills Have Eyes" meets "Event Horizon"Read More
" A weak effort adorned with glitzy CGI/fantasy baubles, but nigh completely hollow and vapid"Read More
"It is likable but lacking, delivering an average-ish movie"Read More
"Tremendous sets and amazing costumes, but the rest was sub-par"Read More
"I think the thing that is driving the love for this film and its overwhelming success is it's "old warm blanket" feel"Read More
"Finally, no more witch hunters. My eyes thank you"Read More
"All pomp and whimsy"Read More
"A shameful and trivial languishing in a glorious world."Read More
"Can we all just agree that Jeff Bridges shouldn't be cast in these movies."Read More