Big. Bombastic. Boring. It’s Wanted & a little Old Guard and kinda Highlander with Mark Wahlberg, so not as good as any of those. The concept is possibly enticing but they didn’t do much with it and all of the worldbuilding they limply nodded towards was impotent and empty. There could be some viable here, but it is wildly vapid and u fortunately lacking in fun.
Such a stale and simpleton script. Connective material and endearing character beats were shunned for “cool action” and Fast and the Furious wannabe car spectacle. There are 2-ish characters and Marky Mark isn’t one of them. It’s all slow motion whoopsiewhogivesadamn.
For such an outlandish fantasy world, they leave out mythos but inject elements from better films almost as non-sequiturs. Did you like Star Wars the Force or the Matrix’s Neo powers? Well, how about unexplained Magical Mark superpowers? Want a “badass” McGuffin? How about a super special soul stealing gun. (So, it digitally captures a soul, but how? Oh, don’t ask those questions. Cool cool cool…)
Those are just the beginning of the questions… No ponderings on how this all began or when souls were created? Which name serves as your eternal name? If souls can be digitized, and apparently they reside in the brain, what are they and what does that mean? Why can only one person be a super being? Why don’t they actually make life and the world better instead of just behind the scenes GI Joe/Cobra-ing?
The villain literally has the opportunity to end his life and take himself out of cycle, what he desires enough to murder everyone and everything, but because he must be a world ending apocalypse bomb villain, he chooses to end the world. Eye roll.
Boorish spectacle and tired emptiness. Stakesless and more interested in splosions than mythology or drama.