4/?/2017 - Kong: Skull Island (2017) - 3+/10
I didn't like this film. There were plenty of elements to appreciate and plenty of clay to mold something wonderful out of, but I found it superficial and spectacularly unsatisfying.
The CGI was strong, as was a couple of the production design elements (especially the Kong cult), but that was about it. I thought that the acting was mediocre. Most everyone felt lifeless in a leading character or boisterously over present in their minor & annoying roles. I hated Reilly's "just there for the punch up" fighter pilot character. I also despised the story of Jackson's commander story and his reasoning.
The Apocalypse Now themed adventure was less than inspired and never felt gripping or exciting. Sure there were creature fights and plenty of explosions, but the stakes seemed pretty darn low. I certainly never cared. It simply seemed like sprinkles of sizzle but no steak.