Sleeper Awakened

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10/17/2015 - Crimson Peak (2015) - 4+/10

Ever so beautiful, but altogether predictable, uneven, and flat. All pomp and whimsy, lacking the horror, drama, and sustenance necessary.

Hisdelston is quality, able to deliver with his eyes and bring something to a lacklustersly written character. Chastain felt miscast. Wasikowska and Hunnam deliver little.

The sets, time ambiance, and costuming are spectacularly gorgeous. Top notch. The story was "meh". I didn't feel that Del Toro brought much past his colorful eye & fantasy design. Oh, and his gratuitous grotesqueries; something that worked in Pan's Labyrinth, but felt unnecessary and dismaying in this.

I did not care for his exploration of ghosts here, especially in comparison to a marvelous and emotive spooker like Devil's Backbone.
This film looks outstanding, but it was a miss overall.