Sleeper Awakened

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LUCA (2021)

6/18/21 - Luca (2021) - 5+/6-/10

Nicely crafted but despite making a couple little waves, it felt a tad shallow on the whole. It had the hint of expected emotional quality but it just didn’t develop and hook as much as it could have. Even with it not being the best of the best, it is disappointing that it wasn’t able to make a splash theatrically.

Similar to Onward before it, the bar has been set too high for these films to clear. Solid, if not pretty decent, but just not as good as is expected, hoped, or desired.

Cute, pleasurable, and adequate in its exemplariness of youthful friendships, but in no way was I drowning in film excellence. 

*minor quibble: the “in and out” use of italian felt so odd*