Sleeper Awakened

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2/11/18 - Victoria and Abdul (2017) - 4+/10

A high priced and extravagant period piece...romance? historical drama? farce? This film doesn’t really seem to care about what it is, what it wants to say, or the story purpose. Perhaps that is harsh but the film is dull and unintriguing. Not wholly unpleasant, but at what point do we not care anymore?

The costumes and locations are the sole splendid highlight. Both are impressive and lavish. But, rarely does a terrific film do those elements make.

Where was there any discussion of Munshi’s thoughts and agency? He was bland and though may have been devoted, focused too much on pomp and not enough on legitimate reflections and emotions.

The film grows monotonous after an hour, as it devolves into the same story again and again. Pour some gratuitous melodrama on top, and you get a heartburn inducing meal. I am sure that consuming it as a small appetizer would soothe your tummy all the same.