Sleeper Awakened

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12/27/2016 - Train to Busan (2016) - 5+/10

Quick twitch zombie savagery trapped in the confines (or coffins) of speeding rail cars! It does have some fine spectacle (some genuinely inventive and fun zombie action set pieces) and a decent allegorical subtext (classism in the context of zombies). That said, it hits pretty predictable beats, only pseudo-engaging characters, and devolves into some unspectacular melodrama as the film barrels on.

I liked it and found it rousing quite a few times, but except for the core concepts of the film (father/daughter story, rich vs poor, zombies on train), it is not the mega bullet train of brilliance that I see some people hyping it as. It never derails into brain dead stupidity and keeps that blood pumping, but only to satisfactory levels. Smart conductor and a finely crafted vehicle, but the caboose might be a little loose.