Sleeper Awakened

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7/19/2015 - Trainwreck (2015) - 6+/10

This is certainly above average rom com, that is not afraid to bring the raunch and not play so nice with all the characters. But it can't truly escape the tropes of the genre. The film was at times LOL funny, but much like Schumer's show, doesn't consistently hit, leaving the film to feel lopsided and disjointed. That said, I appreciate what it was trying to do and enjoyed it. Love Bill Hader and he pulled off the being-funny-w/out-being-Bill-Hader role. Schumer, Larsson, and Cena were all quite good too.
Would recommend, but don't expect a game changer. (but, I am in the "I enjoy but am not in-love-with camp for both Schumer and Apatow, which I feel is an outlier...So take that as you will)