Sleeper Awakened

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10/6/2015 - The Martian (2015) - 7/10

Granted, I may be bias because I was a big fan of the book and perhaps all the detail and back elements that I was aware of made for a unifying and smoothing connective material, but I like the Martian. It was fun, exciting, transporting and well made. Probably the best Scott film in a long time. I think the streamlined but tech heavy plot landed right on his wheelhouse. He was able to savyly execute outstanding shots while the story moved along with its own momentum.

I felt all the actors did a fine job, amassing emotional weight behind their spectator eyes and tweaking it with their deliveries. Damon's character exudes innate optimism, which quells the grumbles for the flashy over dramatic scene chewery Oscar bait bits you might have seen elsewhere (ahemGravityahem). Perhaps he is not afforded the requisite material for proper character development, but not every tale needs to be about that, especially one of such single-mindedness (and, just maybe, "character development" might be the most phony and illusory concept in all of filmmaking, not having deserving near the import that we heap upon it... But I digress. That is a conversation for another time and another person).

The complexities it lacks, it makes up for in the relentlessness of its singular focuses. Point a to point b, problem 1 to problem 2, though perhaps it was more like "point a to point g", skipping so many other hurtles that might round out the science and answer questions, but that is why there is a book and a film only has so much time. It does what it does well, but it's simplicities do hold it back from reaching some kind of qualitative stratosphere.

I liked this movie. I had a good time watching it. I was in suspense, even though I knew every outcome beforehand. Not the film of the year, but an enjoyable filmgoing experience, a captivating take, and a return to some kind of form for the ever so out of form Ridley Scott.