Sleeper Awakened

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INFINI (2015)

9/1/2015 - Infini (2015) - 4/10

Imagine a sci-fi horror movie that combines 28 Days Later, Pandorum, Event Horizon, The Thing, and The Abyss into one! Sounds pretty amazing right? Well, pump the brakes soldier. Infini is only these movies by way of broad strokes, barely licking the boots of these far superior sci-fi vehicles.

The designs, most of the shots, and even plenty of the acting was all worthy, but so often the plot went wonky. The story was choppy and unnecessarily hard to follow. The fact that the script would constantly jam in intense techno-babble like Data on cyber-meth made it dull and unintelligible. The unneeded sap that is slathered on the end of this pic gums the finale. Are we to be in heart massaged contentedness or apocalyptic horror? Seeing as how I don't know, and more the the point, don't care speaks volumes.

Infini, like Pandorum, is a swing and a miss. Decent idea and production, but missing other vital elements to avoid mediocrity. Maybe next time...