Sleeper Awakened

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7/21/19 Last Black Man In San Francisco (2019) - 8/10

Instantly unique, specifically gorgeous, and blatantly powerful, this vaguely surreal journey through San Francisco and the power of personal enterprise was mesmeric and an unadulterated magnificent manifestation of a new voice in film. The freshness, superb quality, and specifically novel film perspective instantly reminded me of other dazzling debuts like Beast of the Southern Wild and Krisha. Probably my favorite film of the year thus far (July).

A film that captures the magic of personal storytelling while integrating larger social context with aplomb. The sidekick Majors was utterly fantastic; both idiosyncratic and powerful, his performance stuck to my ribs long after the rest of the cinematic meal was digested. Falls utilized his amateur state to feel lived in and connected to the story, putting in good work.

Similar in themes and certain stylistic touches to a Sorry To Bother You, but it lets the ethereal dance around your mind with the editing and graceful camera placement and movement. It is much less blatant, letting the content dictate any of the strange or absurd. One is not more valid than the other, but I identified with the subtler approach and more whimsical intimate vibe of Last.

Funny, moving, and original. A fascinating story, intriguing characters, shot and edited tremendously well, outstanding musical accompaniment; this is a glaringly outstanding film.