Sleeper Awakened

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8/2/2016 - Sing Street (2016) – 7+/10

Vivacious and funny, but with a tense undercurrent of realistic dourness, Sing Street is another worthy effort from John Carney. It excels as a coming of age musical romp that provides the tunes and the tenderness, while not taking itself too seriously.

The heart of the besieged youth coming to grips with himself, his surroundings, and the burgeoning possibility of love & music that might change his life, felt playful and meaningful. The ever-morphing 80’s musical inspiration allows for creativity and catchiness within the song and the story. There is a fun mix of authenticity and over-the-top fanciful excursions.

Little of the acting feels too stilted or underdeveloped, even though it is a mostly juvenile cast. The direction and visuals are nothing extraordinary, but Carney knows how to focus on and weave music in his film like few others.

I will say that the ending felt a tad contrived, sappy, and antithetical to the story of the film up to that point. That said, it is a bit of a small gripe in the context of the film as a whole.

Billy Elliot meets Once, with a side of Full Monty, while early 80’s MTV plays in the background. This is a sweet and deftly made film that is fun and worthy.