Sleeper Awakened

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1/6/2016 - The Big Short (2015) – 8-/10

This film really worked for me. Intelligent. Witty. Funny. Endearing. Informative. Completely engaging. Despite its stylistic verbose flourishes and seeming erratic storytelling, it does a tremendous job of telling an arousing and engaging tale centered on the boring and unintelligible.

With 4th wall breaking engagement, stupefyingly inane economic jargon is doled out stylishly and helps load the balls that the rest of the drama knocks out of the park. Smartly honed to be both a fun info dump of one of the worst disasters in economic history and passionate drama about people, both personal and en masse. The acting was great, especially by Carrell,who performed better in this than his role in Foxcatcher, Gosling, and Bale (weird/autistic role and all).

Not necessarily as "important" as a Spotlight per say, it brought to light crimes and systemic problems that needed to be thought through and understood, all in a legitimately fun way. I did not really expect to like this film, but it won me over with its humor, its heart, and its zany unorthodoxy. Check it out.