Sleeper Awakened

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10/30/22 - Resurrection (2022) - 6+/10

Lost in the madness straining behind the normalcy mask of sanity, Rebecca Hall is a tour de force. She does such an amazing job so often with her thrillers, which remain criminally underseen and under-praised. She has had a tendency to dance on the splitting edge of reality & fantasy, capturing a shaking apparition of amazement & agony unlike few around. 

It builds to a gut wrenching showdown, both with the antagonist as well as her own slipping grip on what truly is. Her cult tortured PTSD is insidious and unsettling, wrought by the devilish Roth, who excels as the counterweight.

Perhaps a trigger warning for those who have escaped relationships fraught with abuse and gaslighting. It is a disturbing, engrossing, and mind/genre bending muscular revulsion of a film that deserves a look.