Sleeper Awakened

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5/20/21 - Unhinged (2020) - 5+/10

There is the light shawl of ethical and empathetic society falling apart and the 3000 lbs moving missiles that we are overextending ourselves in is problematic accentuant, but the actual outfit strutting down this runway is that of a pulse pounding chase from an altogether brutal psychopath bent on complete destruction of a woman’s life. Its kind of a Falling Down without the sympathy but heaps more savagery meets sociopath slasher, and I think it mostly works.

Is it formulaic, vicious and bordering on unbelievable at moments? Yes, but it is also pulse pounding, relatable, and darkly fun. It does what it intends to do quite admirably. Perhaps there are embellishments that drag it down (cough*final stomp with one liner*cough), but I felt that it tended to lean towards an approachable truth, made usually logical decisions, and went for the throat at every turn. The filmmaking was not holding back and that showed up on the screen.

It isn’t an amazing piece of work but it does exactly what it attempts to. Its lean, chilling, and vengeful; a good time in general if you are looking for torturous thrills.