Sleeper Awakened

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8/8/20 - Bloodshot (2020) - 3+/4-/10

After watching this I was trying to think about it. How did I feel about it? What stood out? You know what I came up with? Just like Vin Diesel’s charismatic acting, there was nothing there. Nothing to sink your teeth into or stick to the ribs; it is a vacant and forgettable comic based “yeah, that happened”. Is it awful? Not really. It is just bland and unremarkable.

Vin has a hard time keeping any stakes within the film. The editing choices were poor, as was the lighting and much of the shot positioning & capturing. Similarly, the lighting and mis en scene are pretty lackluster; generic and doesn’t fit the tone, or rather, has the wrong tone altogether. Worst of all, most of the film’s action is with CGI slow motion, often with a special lighting meant to be cool, but results in being quite lame.

The plot is a nonstarter. None of the film really makes sense, with the super Matrix limitless nanites not only being ridiculous but rule-less and pointless. Let’s not even get into the characters because I would either fall asleep or roll my eyes.

In the most generic summer action movie, was it watchable? Yeah. It is short and quickly moving. But there is nothing positive I can draw from it, I have zero desire to see any more of this, and I further question the leading status of ‘The Diesel’. The film does have one claim to fame: The worst use of a Talking heads song in a movie. Assholes.