Sleeper Awakened

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2/17/19 - Mary Queen of Scots (2018) - 6/10

Gorgeous vistas, terrific costumes and steadily above average acting brought this slice of history to life. The pacing of this historical drama suffers as it progresses with its factual predecessor, losing momentum and beginning to drone as it goes on. Never dulls though as my interest continuously stays alight, much like the passion that Ronan and Mary herself forever stoked.

The design of this film is a strong point and a highlight, but it isn’t the only dressing that stood out. There is a distinct progressiveness consistently exhibited. Open acceptance of homosexuality, trans people, multiraciality and female empowerment are all over the place. I certainly don’t see it as a bad thing. It might have had issues with anachronisms but they were all addressed later in the film in a more fitting fashion. It was simply very apparent that the script and director meant to highlight these issues, which was unexpected.

Ronan is good, but I probably wanted a little more range throughout. Robbie was also solid, but she was missing from large swaths of this film. But both of them were subsumed in the disheartening reality of women of the time. It is a less-than-joyous story and film, as tragedy,  betrayal and unearned hardships are unavoidable. Overall though, I liked it. A solid historical drama.