Sleeper Awakened

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RBG (2018)

1/13/18 - RBG (2018) 7-/10

Cleverly weaved the story of the Supreme Court Justice and the different time periods she was within she was making a difference, but it came off fairly workmanlike. It lacked much flash or formative flair, but it grew into its power with a display of the evocative power of her life. It earned its worthiness as they did a superb job of capturing the importance she has brought to the citizenry and the heartfelt relationships of her life. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting it but it succeeded in moving me.

RBG is the type of informative and powerful documentary that deserves to be seen, especially by a younger audience. Experiencing a slice of history and its connection to their present is an element that I thought the film did quite well. and could resonate. I felt that I learned plenty myself and found it nigh impossible not to ignite a flame of appreciation inside me.

A strong work of informative documentary that was never dry and was always pushing the right buttons in a skillful way. It didn’t feel overly manipulative or under sold. Strong in every element except boundary pushing.