Sleeper Awakened

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1/3/2017 - Passengers (2016) - 3/10

Cockamamie. A lifeless sci-fi spectacle. It was a derelict ship floating in the ether through bad ideas, flimsy logic, and unsympathetic characters.

Despite having likeable, charismatic actors, all we got were a couple dull plot cogs that moved & yammered along, to no real effect. It was shocking how despite the minutes passing by, we just seemed to drift through the space of each scene, plot contrivance, and disingenuous emotional beat, just like the overgrown lumbering behemoth portrayed on the screen; accomplishing F all.

Other than one cool cgi action sequence, this was a poor effort on every front. It was dead on arrival, lacking refined technique or interest. Oh yeah! Did I mention the gross sexism intrinsic in every part of this film? Kind of wish we had stayed asleep for this journey.