Sleeper Awakened

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10/23/2016 - Florence Foster Jenkins (2016) - 5-/10

Meh. By most film standards it was capable and fine, but I found it a tad bland, lacked emotional connection, and non-dynamic. Maybe you can make a film only so enjoyable if the bulk revolves around poor singing, one of the most unenjoyable things to witness relentlessly.

Grant is fairly solid, providing the sole emotional connection to the story, even though his character was a much fouler than I expected (why not play upon that moral ambiguity?). Streep was average, though her character/story was lacking. The structure of the film and plot emphasis was oddly cold and flat. Either bring more to the table or, if there isn't ample story to play off, don't make a dramatic feature of it.

There is a touch of wit and it wasn't a slog to get through. The singing tended to grind, but the artistry and general construction was serviceable. I didn't like it, nor did I hate it. I feel it simply wasn't for me and was a bit light on story, broad laughs, and an empathic union with the audience. This was a "just about" average-ish film, with a decent performance and a theoretically inspiring subject. Meh.