Sleeper Awakened

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6/4/16 - X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) - 4+/10

A borderline ok run-of-the-mill superhero flick, filled with underdeveloped angst, retread origins and the inevitable impending world crisis event to avert that I can't imagine thrilled/scared anyone into believing.

At times dull and uninspired, the latest mutant movie malaise wobbles between palatable action and stilted story. Literally nothing new and even less explained (Why does Magneto choose to live the life he does at the beginning after previous film events? Why no real history or context is given for the baddie, with his extraterrestrial (?) tech and purpose? Am I really to believe that the physics defying and all-powerful Pietro just goes back to his mom's basement for a decade, doing nothing, when they keep telling us that this guy gets bored in microseconds? Etc.), all leaving the audience wondering exactly why what is happening is happening or why any of us should care. Perhaps the direness of the situation or the shiny new mutant toys (although, almost all have been seen and explored more thoroughly before) are supposed to equate to interest. I suggest focus and depth, some things X-Men films (except for the 1st half of First Class) have lacked for a long time.

Beyond the unremarkable story, the acting & characters were a mish-mosh. Orroro, Scott, Jean, Kurt, and the charismatic speedster Pietro (or Peter. Whatever) try with the little they have been given. If only they could have been afforded more time, effort, and purpose. Much of the rest of the cast of characters were impotent. Lawrence seems pretty tired of the whole thing. Or maybe that's her character. Either way, not super. They managed to cut off the balls of Isaacs performance and make Fassbender a puppet without emotional development. And Munn's Psylocke was nothing but a fan service costume and a sneer. Not her fault, I don't think.

What was good? The action is ok. Logic is suspended for most of the scenes, but they are not without a general excitement quotient being reached. The new casting was fine, and though limited, Macavoy and Fassbender are always spottily strong. CGI looks fine, though I am so f***ing done with the "cities being atomized/turned to dust" gimmick. Played out and the over-the-top end of world stakes, cut out any of the stakes I have as a viewer.

I guess what stands out most, even with this possibly workable young cast, is who cares? The X franchise has hit a wall. It is completely stagnant and unresponsive, constantly telling the same stories with tweaks only to the setting/actors. Has anyone or anything truly changed/grown/mutated since First Class or, hell, even X-Men (2000)? Not really, and that is a problem. This needed to take some chances and push into fresh territory. I'm not talking all-out "Age of Apocalypse/Days of Future Past" territory, but something interesting or outside-the-box. What we got was predictable and tired, leading to mutant movie makers' greatest audience fear: apathy.

(But, it is better than X3 and that is saying something...bitch!)