Sleeper Awakened

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3/8/2016 - Victor Frankenstein (2015) - 3/10

A poor resurrection of this tired old corpse, giving little in the way of new life or fresh blood. It seems to aim for a fun buddy sci-fi action romp, with agreeable horror tones sprinkled about, but delivers next to none of it. Harsh, dour, unfunny, and trite. Not wholly pleasing to look at and not so amenable to be enjoyed.

Not all hope is lost, while Macavoys remain true. His manic and expressive performance seemed the lone bright spot amongst the lethargy of plot, cgi, and cinematography. His is polish on a sunken ship.

Perhaps there were ideas there (giving a history and purpose to Igor, trying to spice a tired take with vague humor and frenzied fury, but nothing quite worked. It all felt stretched and thin, and it mostly failed. Not a horrible film, but nowhere near good. Perhaps no one else should try to assemble the pieces for another Frankenstein film; such monsters only bring blights and bungles. Perhaps man isn't meant to meddle.