Sleeper Awakened

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3/1/2016 - Deadpool (2016) - 4+/10

I will state this upfront. I hate the character of Deadpool. Throughout nearly the entire breadth of the character's existence, I have found him loathsome and extremely annoying. (His fanbase does not tend to do him any favors, but that is beside the point).

Obviously, I had little desire to see this film, but I got tired of being asked about it by huge swaths of the populace. I gave in. And.... it was fine-ish.

It took a little while to adapt to and stomach the incessant quips, remarks, and jokes of the Reynolds/Deadpool. Eventually it comes into its own and it did provide for a few smirks and chuckles during its sweet-spot middle, but overall, I was stoney faced and unmoved. Fart jokes and "sh*t stick" exclamation variations do little for me in the way of amusement.
That said, the film provided mild enjoyment. Action was decent. Sfx passable (though I can't stand this modern "everyone is super everything and perfect constantly" fight syle/coreography - pet peeve). The story is extremely limited, but the combination of Reynolds and Baccarin made for fun and enjoyable chemistry despite their "summed up in a sentence" plot.

I cannot understand any hubbub regarding "the introduction of an R-rated superhero movie!". Wow! Deadpool said sh*t and f*ck and talked about sex. Who f'n cares? We have had Blade, Punisher, Watchmen and Nolan's Batman/Netflix DD/Jessica Jones series providing much more adult material/critique than this "pre-adolescent 'WOW' fest". "Special" requires more than some 4th wall breaking or referential risque-ness. This film has its place, but deserves no damn coronation.

I didn't find this that funny, but it does what it tries to do, however limited I may find that. The movie as a whole will probably keep your attention and provide sufficient enjoyment for your low expectations. I felt like there was the base here for a much better film, if they didn't have to cram all that "Deadpooliness" into it.