Sleeper Awakened

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9/3/2015 - Skin Trade (2014) - 4+/10

Essentially, Taken/White Elephant meets the Punisher with a bunch of martial arts badassery thrown in. Thoroughly enjoyable action (dream fights of Lundgren vs. Jaa and Michael Jai White vs. Jaa) but loose and unfocused story. Probably needed a little more seasoned hand to take the reigns, shift some plot lines and tighten the dramatic threads and they could have had a pretty solid film.

That being said, this cast was terrific. Lundgren, Tony Jaa, Michael Jai White, Ron Pearlman, Peter Weller and more, made this certifiably watchable. Seemed to be Dolph's baby, and though written before Taken, had its thunder stolen by the all-around tighter & better "particular set of skills" movie.

Some quality fight set-pieces stand as the highlight of this decent-ish movie that no-one but me has seen. It may be flawed, but deserves more. I mean, Dolph fights Jaa...C'mon!